Grout is a typical maintenance item when owning a home. Sometimes grout can last years, and other times it lasts a few months before it starts to dry out and crack. It usually depends on the area in question. Grout at tile in wet areas needs maintenance more often than grout in dry areas. Even though sealer is applied over the grout the moisture eventually breaks down the sealer and grout over time, thus requiring the areas to be re-grouted.
So, how to re-grout your tile? It’s very easy. It can be summed up in a few easy steps:
- Decide if you need sanded or non-sanded grout (1/8″ or less joints are non-sanded and larger than 1/8″ require sanded).
- Use a 3 in 1 tool to scrape out and remove the grout from between the tiles.
- Apply tile sealant using a sponge or roller. Let dry for 24 hours.
- Mix the grout powder (you can buy it at the home improvement store) with water.
- Use your fingers to apply the grout between all tiles. (You can also use a rubber grout floater).
- Remove excess grout.
- Let the grout dry.
- Remove residue leftover with warm water. A mild detergent with the warm water will help if necessary.
- Apply grout sealer after grout cures (248 hours)
Viola! Grout touch up!