Tip #1
Hinge squeaks and sticking entry door latch:
Silicone Spray is perhaps the Best way to minimize squeaks and make your hardware work more effectively. Many people think WD 40 does the trick when they have a squeaky hinge or a strike plate that sticks. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. WD40 is a magnet for dust and dirt, and if it is sprayed onto your hinges or door hardware, the dust and dirt will stick to it and over time this will make the squeaks and sticking worse.
Tip #2
Reducing the air blowing under the Thresholds:
Each house to exterior door comes with an integral threshold that is adjustable. This threshold can be raised (or lowered) to reduce the area underneath the door and give the door a tighter seal. To adjust the threshold it is simple. There are typically plastic caps on the main threshold. So you will need to get a standard head screw driver and then turn the cap a quarter to the left (or right) and then lift the cap off. Next the screws will need to be turned using a standard screwdriver. To raise the threshold, simply turn the screws to the right. To lower the threshold, simply turn the screws to the left. Perhaps a simple way to remember this is as the two R’s and Two L’s – Right raises and left lowers.
Tip #3
Regular maintenance of the weatherstripping:
Each house to exterior door comes with weatherstripping around three of the four jambs – the top and sides. This weather-stripping lasts a very long time. Often times it may last up to 10-20 years. However, if this weather-stripping gets damaged (movers, kids, things falling on it, deliveries, etc.) it is very simple to replace. Every good hardware store carries weatherstripping. Simply bring a small piece of the damaged weatherstripping to the hardware store and ask them to find a close match. You may need to only replace one side or you may need to replace all three sides. It is a matter of personal preference. If you are going to replace either side or both sides of the door jambs then remember that the hinge side requires weather-stripping that is thinner and the strike plate side requires weather-stripping that is a little thicker. Bring the new weather-stripping home, peel off the adhesive backing, and apply to the correct side of the jamb.
There are also square weather-stripping pads on both sides of the house to exterior door jambs that often get moved or damaged by regular use. These are very easy to replace (if they are damaged or one goes missing). These are also sold at the hardware store and are easily installed. They have adhesive backing and apply directly onto the jamb.